4-Down Territory: Officiating Controversy, Your Team's 2020 National Title Hopes and More...
1st Down: Strike A Pose: The season isn’t over but already players around the country are using bowl victories to talk on social media...
4-Down Territory: Playoff and New Year's Six Game Notes To Remember
1st Down: The Cotton Bowl: #10 Penn State vs #17 Memphis: For Penn State the key is to avoid the Big Letdown. PSU fans upset with a...
4-Down Territory: Texas-Tiger 2-Step, Buckeye's 1st Test, Week 2 Must-Wins & Football 150 Re
Week one in college football is fool’s gold. Season-opening routs mean more fan bases believe their team is suddenly a playoff contender....
Four Down Territory: Beantown Showdown, Big Ten Battles, Bama's Work Not Done & Other Tests
First Down: Beantown Showdown #2 Clemson at #17 Boston College 8:00 (ABC): Boston sports fans are enjoying a good fall….and they will...