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Check out the Latest News from The Campaign

2023 Results: Paterno & Lubrano Re-Elected. Salute to Alice Pope's Service.

This past Friday, Penn State announced the results of the 2023 Alumni Trustee Election. Incumbents Jay Paterno and Anthony Lubrano were re-elected and were joined by newly elected Trustee Ali Krieger. We look forward to welcoming Ali Krieger to the board and working with her on the challenges that face Penn State. That includes building on Penn State's Progress on a number of the issues that were expressed in the campaign.


We also want to salute Alice Pope for her 9 years of service to the Board. Alice was a hard-working and informed leader on this Board. She has set a very high standard for all those who return to serve and for all those joining the Board.


Thanks to all of you for your support, your votes and for spreading the word to get out the vote. We hope that we will prove worthy of your vote and of being called to serve Penn State.


This election was marked by an unusual amount of public discourse, discourse that at times did not meet the standard of grace and dignity worthy of Penn State. But we know that we conducted our campaign in a way that met those standards. We took the high road and we thank all the people who supported that and ensured that the high road could be a winning formula.


As for what comes next, we will focus on student success and the issues we've talked about.


We also plan to make it a priority to maintain the proper role of our Board. We will fight the outside influences trying to push the "macro-political" battles of Washington or Harrisburg onto the agendas of our Board. We will defend the independence of our administration, faculty, staff and students in the day-to-day pursuit of learning, research and our land-grant mission.


You can read more about this important challenge here.


And for all the people who responded so positively about the Postcards from Penn State, we will continue to add to that page and keep it as a regular part of this site

April 28, 2023--The FACTS on Penn State Sustainability

In this 2023 Alumni Trustee election, a group of other candidates has been running on a sustainability platform put together by Harvard and Princeton Alumni. We welcome that conversation. As you can see by the fact sheet below, Penn State has been a world leader in sustainability, research and education for a long time. Maybe the people from Harvard & Princeton could learn a thing or two from Penn State. We know who WE ARE. 


April 10, 2023: 

New Endorsements As Voting Begins

As voting for the 2023 Penn State Alumni Trustee Elections has begun, Alice Pope, Jay Paterno & Anthony Lubrano have picked up more key endorsements. 


First came from the Board of the Lion Fraternity Alumni Association (LFAA), a group representing thousands of alumni who were members of Greek Life & Fraternal organizations during their time at Penn State:


Dear Fellow PSU Greek Alumni:
The LFAA Board has vetted each of the three incumbent candidates for the PSU Board of
Trustees this year – Alice Pope, Jay Paterno and Anthony Lubrano. We literally have spent
hours with each of them, having excellent discussions and evaluating their past actions and
current positions regarding the Greek system at PSU. We have concluded that there is no doubt
– each of these individuals is courageous, committed, well-informed and has demonstrated by
past actions and their current positions that they are supporters of Greek letter societies at Penn
State. They also have each made it clear that they support the mission of the LFAA. We
wholeheartedly and unanimously endorse each of them for re-election to the PSU Board of

Sincerely yours,
Jim Edwards ‘78
LFAA Board President


The Second endorsement came from Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship (PS4RS). This group formed over 10 years ago to demand responsive & responsible governance from Penn State's Board of Trustees.  







With a combined total of 24 years of experience on the Penn State Board, these Trustees have served with integrity and commitment to the needs of our alma mater.  Their experience is needed now more than ever, as a new president embarks on her visionary plan for a path that will make all Penn Staters proud.


And for those Penn Staters who remember the 1985 & 1986 seasons, one of the great leaders in Penn State history quarterback John Shaffer sent this picture wearing his Pope, Paterno, Lubrano button. He spent decades at Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs and understands what true leadership looks like.

John Shaffer.JPG

April 6, 2023

Dana Harris & Sue Paterno Endorse:

Pope, Paterno & Lubrano

To All Penn State Alumni—


“These are demanding times around the world, across this country and here at Penn State. With all that is going on it may be hard to focus on Penn State’s Trustee election starting April 10th. But it now may be more important than ever,” they said.


“And for this election we are endorsing three candidates: Anthony Lubrano, Alice Pope and Jay Paterno.  If Penn State is to emerge stronger through this storm it is vital that we return experienced leaders to Penn State’s Board of Trustees.


Trying economic times and the impact of a global pandemic have combined to force Penn State to dramatically change everything from budgeting to operations to the delivery of education to our students. Big decisions loom that will impact this University now and for years to come.


These three have already served this University honorably and with integrity. They have shown courage in previous challenges, exactly the type of leadership that our students, alumni, faculty and staff need representing them.


We urge all alumni to vote. In these challenging times, the University that we all love needs us to do our part and raise our voices.”



Sue Paterno

Dana Harris

Proven Leadership Building Towards an Even Greater Future

April 3, 2023

A few years ago, many alumni began electing candidates who supported greater transparency, accountability, and engagement with the pressing issues faced by the University. As the core of the Trustees elected to initiate positive change, we’re proud of the work we’ve done. Now, we are seeking re-election to the Board to keep delivering constructive and conscientious leadership to continue delivering results. In a time when all of America’s leading research Universities face daunting challenges, we are advocating for unique solutions, the kind that have and will continue to set Penn State apart as the nation’s greatest land-grant University.

Board-level governance and actions require collaboration and partnership.  Working together on critical issues we’ve reached notable accomplishments:


Expanded communication between Board and the public:
It’s now easier for our community to participate in the Board’s work. Committee meetings and full Board meetings are live-streamed, and advance agendas, written minutes, and video recordings are available for all public meetings. The Board’s web pages contain more information about our meetings and other activities. It’s also easier for our stakeholders to communicate with us. We developed multiple new pathways to contact the Board, including a feedback form on the Board’s web page. Many trustees use social media platforms to keep our community informed and to answer questions.

Increased fiscal responsibility:
The inexorable rise in tuition has slowed, starting in 2015 with the first flat tuition in 50 years, and again in 2016, 2018, and 2019 and in 2022 for families earning less than $75,000. We’re pursuing increased state funding to bring Penn State to parity with the other state-related schools on a per-student basis. We have implemented recurring cost savings, including centralization of many operations, and reducing our long-term state pension liability.

Improved support for student success, well-being, and belonging:
We have increased our focus on academic advising; career centers; support services for students with disabilities, first generation and underrepresented minority students; campus safety; Greek life. We’ve expanded mental health services and brought resources to food and housing insecurity. Student debt has been reduced by greater emphasis on timely degree completion. New enrollment strategies will fill empty seats at the Commonwealth Campuses, creating better access for Pennsylvanians and first-generation students.

Promoted sustainability:
Penn State has invested in renewable energy projects, including solar, hydroelectric and ground-source heat pumps, and has funded updated energy and wastewater infrastructure upgrades. Penn State is ranked #1 in the Big Ten and among the top 6% of universities in the world for sustainability. Our endowment investing strategy has for years permitted social and environmental considerations. We have implemented a system-wide adoption of reduce/reuse/recycle and expanded composting.

Building a future on proud foundations of success:

The Board’s most important duty is to hire the President. Thanks to a process made more open and transparent by our efforts, we hired President Neeli Bendapudi. She quickly recognized that Penn State’s vast potential for excellence would depend on our foundational core culture, history, and values. An ambitious vision requires the support of a highly effective Board. We seek re-election to provide Penn State with experienced continuity at a critical time. Together, we will advance student success and academic excellence in a welcoming community for all. Together, our core land grant mission will transform the Commonwealth with innovative strategies to address challenges facing our state, our
nation, and the world.


Anthony P. Lubrano, an incumbent alumni-elected Trustee, is Founder and President of A.P. Lubrano & Company, Inc. and a 1982 graduate of the Smeal College of Business. 

Jay Paterno, an incumbent alumni-elected Trustee, is an author and President of Blue Line 409 LLC
consulting nationally on NIL, media ventures, communications and business, and a 1991 graduate of the
College of Liberal Arts. 

Alice W. Pope, an incumbent alumni-elected Trustee, is a retired university faculty member and a 1979
graduate of the College of Liberal Arts as well as a 1983 (M.S.) and 1986 (Ph.D.) graduate of the
Graduate School.

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