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2/23/2018 Jay Paterno on The Paul Finebaum Show  Listen Here


8/22 NEWS: Scout and Fight on State talk about Duquesne Lager/Paterno Legacy Beer. Watch Here:


8/20 NEWS: Lehigh Valley Live on the Success of Duquesne Lager/Paterno Legacy Beer: Read:


8/19 NEWS: KDKA TV in Pittsburgh was there for the first cans & cases rolling off the line. Watch Here:


8/4 NEWS: Pittsburgh Business Journal on the intial success of Duquesne Lager/Paterno Legacy Series. Read More:


6/16 NEWS: Jay in The Huffington Post: Read:


11/13 NEWS: Jay goes on ESPN's Outside the Lines with Bob Ley: Listen Here:


10/12 NEWS: Interview with Bill Donahue on 1240 AM NY Sports Talk: Listen: 


10/5 NEWS: Review of the Book Signing in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Read:


10/3 NEWS: Preview of the 10/11 Collingswood, NJ Book Festival. Read:


9/24 NEWS: Coverage of the Lehigh Valley Book Signing: Read:


9/22 NEWS:  Coverage of the Book Signing in Sharon, PA last night: Read:

                      Jay visits Riverside HS in Ellwood City, PA to talk writing and Journalism: Read:


9/16 NEWS: Boston University Blog Focus Alot features Jay Paterno among 65 International Writers/Marketers

                     who share their thoughts on Productivity: Here:


9/9  NEWS: Video Link for an interview on Philly Sports Talk on Comcast Sports Philadelphia: Watch:


        NEWS: Paterno Legacy Cited by Camp Mount Luther in First-Light Daily devotional Message: Read It Here:


9/3   NEWS: Video link for a TV interview with Fox 43 in York--watch it Here:


9/1   NEWS: Yahoo Sports Published an excerpt from the book from Chapter 1: The Elephant In The Room. Read it Here:


8/25  NEWS: Veteran journalist Don Laible from the Utica Dispacth-Observer reviews Paterno Legacy. Read it here:


8/19 NEWS: Article on the Book in The New York Post. Read It Here:


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